Bob Nyberg | Retired missionary residing in Florida


* Good Reads:

* Interpreting the Bible:

* Law, Grace & Extreme Calvinism:

* Free Grace Theology:


* For Your Encouragement:

Imputed Righteousness
By Lance Latham

There is simply no possibility whatsoever that a person can achieve standing before God on the basis of his own defaced, despicable righteousness. A Christian, therefore, is not merely one who has been through the emotion of a moment, or who has newly purposed or has newly promised. Rather, a Christian has abandoned all hope of his own personal moral credentials and receives as his sole and complete basis for standing before God the finished and complete righteousness which Jesus Christ purchased on Calvary's cross and imputed to him. To “impute” means to “ascribe,” to “put to one's account.” Personal righteousness does not save us; imputed righteousness alone satisfies divine holiness and makes the sinner acceptable before God.

* Points to Ponder:

Keep the Gospel Clear!

Keep the issue clear:
The issue is sin, and Who is going to forgive it.

Keep the direction clear:
• It is from the Giver to the recipient. The gift of righteousness is given when you believe.

Keep the requirements clear:
It is salvation through FAITH. There is nothing more!

Charles Ryrie

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* Personal Musings:




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